The Princeton Large Torus (PLT) carried out a number of high-powered plasma-heating experiments in the ion cyclotron frequency range, and also demonstrated for the first time that a 100-kA tokamak discharge can be built up by means of rf-waves more » in the lower hybrid range, without any need for inductive current drive by the conventional tokamak transformer system. The most important finding was that tokamak energy confinement time increases as the cube of the plasma size. During the course of the year, the plasma current was raised to a maximum of 1 MA, and extensive confinement studies were carried out with ohmic-heated plasmas.

There is a small chance that this will knock Uragaan onto its side, leaving it open for attack.

It will also fall over after attempting to roll at the hunter, and will fail to use its sleep gas. When low on stamina, the Uragaan may go to Area 4 and eat off the rock shelf.When the tail is severed, its tail whip cannot dislodge and toss rocks however the damage it deals by itself remains the same.Even when its jaw is wounded, it can still be used in battle and is able to make any nearby rocks to explode.When they fall, ore can be mined from their bodies. They cleverly affix rocks and ore to their hides with lava, then cast them about, using vibrations to make them explode. Large brute wyverns that feed on ore, using their mighty jaws to crush bedrock to powder. They cleverly affix rock and ore to themselves with lava, then spread them about, using vibrations to make them explode. Other Non-Subspecies Forms Crystalbeard Uragaanīrute wyverns that feed on ore, using their mighty jaws to crush bedrock into powder. Sometimes Uragaan can be found in the temperate Deserted Island as well. It is completely at ease in the rocks and lava that makes up its home.

Uragaan is found primarily in the Volcano region. If this has been done, the next time Uragaan uses a heavy jaw smash, all explosive rocks in the area will explode in a manner similar to Barrel Bombs. It may also attack with a wide tail sweep, which flings explosive rocks into the area. Uragaan will use its large jaw to attack, primarily by slamming it into the ground. The effect depends on the color: ghost-blue or red-orange respectively. This will put Hunters to sleep or inflict Fireblight. It can also produce sleep gas or, when enraged, emit flames, much like Gravios. Uragaan may conduct either a short roll, or a longer one where it may roll in a figure eight for another stab at the hunter. It will do this often in an attempt to crush the hunter. Uragaan's signature ability is to roll its body into a wheel to increase its speed and agility. Its underbelly is covered in a sticky, tar-like substance which it uses to affix explosive rocks to itself. Its back is lined with hard crystals and its chin is plated with a rock-like shell, suggesting the Uragaan has evolved a tough exterior due to life in volcanic regions. Uragaan is covered in a lustrous gold-colored hide.